"Well who handles the 'Good Guys'?"
Assorted thoughts on running RPGs and getting to play them occasionally as well.
"Woah! I think the less hurtful term is 'Protagonists'."
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Saturday, February 18, 2017
"Is he telling the TRUTH?" Against Insight/Sense Motive
Man, I am terrible at compiling lists of GM Resolutions, I left off my renewed effort at NPC voices and came to realize today that I also left off my Insight/Detect Lie resolution. To whit, I am done allowing Insight/Sense motive checks to tell when an NPC is lying...
Now, this has been a pet peeve of mine for quite a while, but this year I'm putting my foot down and no longer allow players to declare "Is [NPC] telling the truth? I'm rolling Insight". But, but Zack! You cry, the D&D 5e Player's Manual allows it... and, sure I guess you could read it like that... here it is... the description of the Insight skill (which replaced earlier editions equally terrible "Sense Motive")...
Insight. Your Wisdom (Insight) check decides whether you can determine the true intentions of a creature, such as when searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move. Doing so involves gleaning clues from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms.It's right there "true intentions of a creature... searching out a lie..." to which I say, hooey... HOOEY! Continue reading or skip right to the TL;DR
Friday, February 17, 2017
13th Age - The Strangling Sea Review and Recap
(Find it at... Pelgrane Press / Drivethru RPG / Amazon)
I choose The Strangling Sea to kick off my new Eyes of the Stone Thief campaign, not just because it was a published 1st level adventure that I could run without much prep but because it is an excellent adventure and tailored towards GMs who are new to running 13th Age. While I am not new to running 13th Age, it was still nice to have the extra advice in the adventure to guide me as I gear up to running an ongoing campaign that I hope will cover 1st through 8th levels.
Major spoilers for The Strangling Sea adventure follow, obviously. I'll do the review first and the recap of my players second, so that readers who just want a review of the adventure don't have to stick around for the hi-jinx of my players.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Thought of the Day: NPC Voices
I didn't include it in my list of 2017 Gaming Resolutions, but I've been trying to do more NPC voices for all my games. So, even though I have players who accuse me of killing NPCs off just because I forgot the voice, I keep trying.
Voices and accents don't come naturally to me. I attempted a Space Australian accent for one of my Numenera NPCs but it quickly drifted into something else (though it was a great excuse to watch this delightful clip again and again...) Lately, I've been trying to give NPCs a quick description of their voice or vocal tics and jotting it down in my notes so I can use that to remind myself of how they should sound when I return to that NPC; here are some recent examples of how I've been describing NPC voices.
- Bömbör
- "repeats himself excitedly"
- a Dverge NPC from my Iron Edda game
- Gwenaëlle Décalage
- "a low and sultry voice"
- Recent deceased vampire NPC from the A Red and Pleasant Land actual play podcast
- Enock Whipple
- "Soft and often apologetic"
- Dormouse NPC from aRaPL actual play podcast
- Firgin
- "ah um eh, talks about water colors"
- NPC from the Strangling Sea 13th Age Adventure I ran to start my new 13th Age Stone Thief campaign. About 2/3rds of my players really, really hated him after listening to him speak.
So I've been trying to decide how to voice a kitten NPC for my 13th Age game, as I want it to live up to the "Talkative" trait that the player picked for the Ranger Pet talent. Long story short, the PC, Felix Mittens, used to be a catperson until he was cursed by a witch to become fully human while his twin brother, Boots, became fully kitten. I've been wracking my brains trying to come up with how Boots should talk, since he'll be an ongoing NPC constantly with the party... I think I'm going to come up with some stock phrases I can use for when certain events happen, like maybe Boots doesn't like orcs or comments when someone fumbles...
But then I was watching some Venture Bros today and I realize I'm tempted to have Boots speak exactly like Augustus Saint Cloud does when he's pretending that Henrietta Pussycat is speaking to him in the episode Maybe No Go. My delight at saying "Eat the pennies, Quizboy" means that I have a decent Augustus Saint Cloud impression (probably the only VB character I can do reliably) and I like the idea of starting and ending each sentence with "mew mew" to just drive home that Boots the kitten is talking... Others might think it's too creepy, but I'm starting to think it's just creepy enough...
Friday, February 10, 2017
Viking Funeral On Shifty Pond - Antagonist Relations Actual Play Podcast 8
Wait, a Seven of Diamonds but this is the eighth actual play podcast? You'll have to listen to find out...
We just Apocalypse Now-style fire bombed a vampire to death, AND IT WAS AWESOME!! 😆#aredandpleasantland #rpg #tabletop #worldofdungeons1979— LadyChristy (@LadyChristy) February 11, 2017
Powered by the Apocalypse Style Looks for Fantasy RPG PCs
One of the little things from many (but unfortunately not all) Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) games that I think makes character creation really shine is the "Look" options. I've actually borrowed this for non-PbtA one shots, like when I ran my Planescape "Soup" one-shot (sample PCs here). While most PbtA playbooks (class write-ups) have only three or four look "slots" with four options each, I wanted to build off that to make a table of look options that could be easily used for non-PbtA fantasy RPG games, either for players wanting to come up with character appearance descriptions or for GMs who want to provide look options for PCs for one-shot games, like I do. The list is mostly based off the look options found in the Dungeon World SRD.
Obviously not every "slot" needs to be filled, if there's not an appropriate Skin/Other option for a character then don't worry about picking one (or providing options). Likewise, while I really enjoy the Voice options, those are probably ones that will often be skipped by players who intend to roleplay their character's voice or who don't want to always be trying to speak in a "booming voice"
Two examples of how to use this chart. First, imagine a player building Matilda Boomhammer, Dwarf cleric of a Thunder God. Flummoxed at how they should describe their PCs appearance they consult the table and pick some things that fit their conception of the PC, ending up with...
- Smoldering Eyes
- Battered Helmet
- Sweet Face
- Battleworn Armor
- Sturdy Body
- Braided Beard
- Calm Voice
Or perhaps a GM is creating characters for an one-shot game and while they are picking stats and powers, they want to leave choices for the players to make to encrourage what might be an otherwise disposable PC to feel like it belongs to that player. One of the PC options is a human wizard, so the GM provides these for the look options...
- Cold eyes, Crazy Eyes, Knowing Eyes, Searing Eyes
- Messy Hair, Pointed Hat, Strange Hair, Tattooed Scalp
- Bony Face, Cruel Face, Plain Face, Striking Face
- Dark Clothes, Flowing Robes, Strange Robes, Worn Robes
- Emaciated Body, Pudgy Body, Knobby Body, Wiry Body
- Nervous Hands, Ritual Scars, Unusual Jewelry, Waxen Skin
Then when a player chooses the human wizard, they don't have to come up with a look from scratch and their choices will get to add some personality to the PC they portray for the one shot, as a human wizard with "cold eyes, a tattooed scalp, a cruel face, dark clothes, an emaciated body and waxen skin" feels very different from a human wizard with "knowing eyes, a pointed hat, flowing robes, a knobby body and nervous hands".
Click here for a printer friendly PDF.
It goes without saying that these are just a starting point and meant as inspiration, if you're using them and find yourself drawn to a description that isn't on the list, you should go for it instead of limiting yourself.
Options with an *Asterisk were put in to help support more unusual races like Tieflings, Minotaurs and Dragonborn
Eyes | Hair/Head | Face | Clothes/Garb | Build | Skin/Other | Voice |
Cold Eyes | Bald | Aristocratic Face | Animal Skins | Built Body | Battle Scarred Skin | Booming Voice |
Crazy Eyes | Battered Helm | Blunt Face | Battleworn Armor | Bulky Body | Braided Beard | Brittle Voice |
Dead Eyes | Braided Hair | Bony Face | Camouflaged Garb | Compact Body | Calloused Skin | Calm Voice |
Eager Eyes | Carved Horns* | Boyish Face | Cape | Creepy Body | Flexible Hands | Crackling Voice |
Fiery Eyes | Cropped Hair | Broken Face | Ceremonial Garb | Emaciated Body | Flowing Beard | Deep Voice |
Glowing Eyes | Dreadlocks | Cruel Face | Common Clothes | Fit Body | Many Piercings | Flat Voice |
Hard Eyes | Fancy Hair | Dull Face | Dark Clothes | Flabby Body | Masked Face | Grating Voice |
Haunted Eyes | Flowing Hair | Expressive Face | Fancy Clothes | Graceful Body | Nervous Hands | Gravelly Voice |
Haunting Eyes | Furry Hood | Flushed Face | Finery | Knobby Body | Pale Skin | Guttural Voice |
Joyous Eyes | Hooded Head | Girlish Face | Flowing Robes | Lithe Body | Perfect Skin | Heartwarming Voice |
Kind Eyes | Messy Hair | Gorgeous Face | Habit | Long Shanks | Precise Hands | Hoarse Voice |
Knowing Eyes | Mohawk | Haggard Face | Mismatched Armor | Mighty Thews | Quick Hands | Lilting Voice |
Laughing Eyes | Plumed Helmet | Handsome Face | Polished Armor | Pudgy Body | Ritual Scars | Loud Voice |
Sad Eyes | Pointed Hat | Kind Face | Poor Clothes | Rangy Body | Sausage Fingers | Low Voice |
Searing Eyes | Pristine Horns* | Lively Face | Practical Leathers | Ravaged Body | Scaly Skin* | Monotonous Voice |
Sharp Eyes | Scarred Horns* | Mournful Face | Ragged Clothes | Scrawny Body | Scarred Hands | Penetrating Voice |
Shifty Eyes | Shaggy Hair | Plain Face | Scavenger’s Outfit | Sharp Body | Soft Skin | Reedy Voice |
Shrouded Eyes | Shorn Hair | Plump Moist Face | Scraps | Stocky Body | Strange Brands | Rich Voice |
Smoldering Eyes | Strange Hair | Rugged Face | Silk Clothes | Sturdy Body | Strange Tattoos | Roaring Voice |
Tormented Eyes | Styled Hair | Smooth Face | Strange Robes | Supple Body | Tanned Skin | Soft Voice |
Warm Eyes | Stylish Cap | Stern Face | Stylish Robes | Thin Body | Unmarred By Decoration | Soothing Voice |
Watchful Eyes | Tattooed Scalp | Striking Face | Traveling Clothes | Tiny Body | Unusual Jewelry | Stentorian Voice |
Weary Eyes | Tonsure | Strong Face | Weather Inappropriate Clothes | Well-Fed Body | Waxen Skin | Stern Voice |
Wild Eyes | Top Knot | Sweet Face | Weathered Hides | Wild Body | Weathered Skin | Sultry Voice |
Wise Eyes | Wild Hair | Weathered Face | Worn Robes | Wiry Body | Wrinkled Skin | Whispering Voice |
Thursday, February 9, 2017
"I don't need any of these things, but I'm taking them." - Antagonist Relations Actual Play Podcast 7 - GM Commentary
You know the drill, go listen to the podcast for episode 7 first... Plus you'll get to peep the maps for this session.
It's been a while, but we're finally about to play episode 8 this week, so it's time to post my commentary for Meat is Meat as I prep. A Red and Pleasant Land is abbreviated as aR&PL below. Also, spoilers for the podcast, though I'll hide any spoilers for the players about upcoming sessions.
Comments are in roughly chronological order as I listen to the podcast for the umpteenth time...
It's been a while, but we're finally about to play episode 8 this week, so it's time to post my commentary for Meat is Meat as I prep. A Red and Pleasant Land is abbreviated as aR&PL below. Also, spoilers for the podcast, though I'll hide any spoilers for the players about upcoming sessions.
Comments are in roughly chronological order as I listen to the podcast for the umpteenth time...
A close up of the map of the dungeon, showing the starting point...
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Eyes of the Stone Thief - Campaign planning, 13th Age PC Creation Resources & PC Introduction
Got my Sunday group together last Sunday for a rare 5th Sunday Session (we usually play only on the 1st and 3rd Sundays) and did character creation for my 13th Age Eyes of the Stone Thief campaign. Since I intend to run this from 1st level all the way up through 8th level, I plan on writing about this campaign quite a bit. While we did the first part of an intro adventure, the Strangling Sea, after character creation, I'm going to wait to write that up until after we've finished it. But this seems like a good time to go over the bit of campaign planning and introduce the PCs (though I will update this if/when additional PCs are created).
Friday, February 3, 2017
Iron Edda - Jokilaakso Saga pt. 1
Iron Edda - Holdfast Creation, PC Introductions
So, way back on January 11th, I met with my Wednesday group and we had our first session of Iron Edda: World of Metal and Bone. A big part of the first session was Holdfast creation, a bit of collaborative world building where the players had to decide on important matters, or as the book puts it...
The holdfast will be the center of your campaign. Adventures may take you far across the world, but you will always return here, where songs will be sung of your journeys.So each player took a turn, rolling to determine a random category and issue, then they answered the question(s) raised (or at least answered some, re-reading what my group came up with and I see some places where I didn't push hard enough) and drew something on the map to represent the issue. Here's the map we ended up with and the results are below, with the PC introductions below that. I'll post my summary and commentary for the first session elsewhere.
Creating your holdfast is a collaborative process. To begin, put a blank piece of paper in the middle of the table. This will be your map of the holdfast and its surrounding area, populated with issues that will drive the campaign.
Holdfast creation map with PC runestones.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
"Pitchfork Sad" - A review of Shadow of the Demon Lord
My #ShadowOfTheDemonLord players are trying to determine if villagers will be "pitchfork sad" if they steal a different child to sacrifice.— Mr. Zack (@thatwordyguy) August 28, 2016
Shadow of the Demon Lord! I remember vaguely seeing kickstarter announcements and then stumbled back across it this summer after it was out in print and decided to give it a look. And man, am I glad I did.
The brief pitch of why I enjoy Shadow of the Demon Lord is this... simple, familiar but distinct d20 rules, with interesting races (hereafter referred to as Ancestries, as SotDL does), flexible class options (called Paths by SotDL), compelling monsters, a deadly and dangerous world to explore and a very distinct feel that pervades the system and setting that makes it feel very distinct from D&D. The splatter-gore meets crazed whimsy and dark mystery of the setting gels much better than I was expecting, walking a fine line sometimes between silliness and horror, as evidenced by the goblin warlock art below...
Anyway, if a darker game that allows for some wackiness and lots of random tables for character creation is what you like stuffed into your roleplaying sausages, then read the full review below for a taste of what goes into the meat grinder. (I was going to go with "is your jam" but I figured sausage making was a much more apt metaphor for SotDL, being both a bit sillier/juvenile and also a bit more grisly.)
Also, new table of random Human Skin Tones below! Or click here to skip to that...
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The Saltmarsh Register - Vol 1.18 & Vol 1.19
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My #ShadowOfTheDemonLord players are trying to determine if villagers will be "pitchfork sad" if they steal a different child ...