Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Drunkard's Powder - Weird Magic Item #24

Inspired by the incredibly excellent Weird Magic Item generator over at, I've been coming up with a few of my own system agnostic weird magic items to put in the many games I run, be they 13th Age or Beyond the Wall...

Eventually I want to try and put them into a randomizer, but I need to generate a few first. I'm going to try and post one every other Wednesday. Please let me know if you end up using an item I've created in your own game. You can find the entire series here...

Drunkard's Powder

This pea-green powder can be added to up to a gallon of any liquid to cause it to become a powerful intoxicant. While the powder does not change the taste, smell or appearance of the liquid, it imbues it with a potent effect, causing the imbiber to become drunk in 1d4 minutes as long as they have at least one swallow, and to stay intoxicated for 1d6 hours. The powder will affect all living creatures, though creatures larger than human size require an additional dose of the powder per size category above human sized. A bag of the powder typically contains 1d4+1 doses. Dwarves find it hilarious to put the powder in the teas of Elves, enjoying the normally stuffy Elves fall into a drunken stupor.

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The Saltmarsh Register - Vol 1.18 & Vol 1.19

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