Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Saltmarsh Register - Vol 1.11

The Saltmarsh Register is the in-game newspaper I invented for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh game I run online every other Saturday. It is reprinted here to give others a taste of how that game has developed. WARNING, it may have spoilers for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure, though I have deviated a bit from the published module.

The Saltmarsh Register

VOL 1.11 – Starday, 15th of Goldmonth, 570 CY

Salinmoor’s Finest Catch of Tidbits and Tattle printed weekly each Starday, publisher Tyna Hilltopple 


On Moonday 10th, just at midnight, the determined and fearless reporter of the Register, along with a brave companion, saw the GHOST that haunts the streets of Saltmarsh. It was the phantom of Ol’ Norbert, dripping with saltwater and wailing of a cursed treasure and the call of sirens. Before the spirit could be interrogated more, it vanished, but rest assured, dear reader, that this publication is dedicated to getting to the bottom of this mystery.


Ingo the Drover has returned to Saltmarsh victorious, having defeated the marauding goblin band and driven the remnants back into the Hool Marshes. Ingo and his company rescued three traders who had been taken and a feast has been ordered in his honor by the merchant Davus Raal, who employed one of the merchants who had been captured by goblins.


The Copperlocks mine is hiring. Any interested should see the Copperlocks office in town, no previous experience needed, novices will be taught.


Captain Tamsyn Muir and the Swift Blade have sunk two ships of the Sea Princes and captured Billy Gibson, a cruel captain who serves as a ruthless enforcer of Grand Captain Regnault Bonebreaker. The register has learned that a strange treasure chest of ancient gold coins stamped with a strange spiral symbol was also captured with Billy Gibson. The pirate captain will be hanged until he is dead on Watersday 19th.


The fisherfolk of Saltmarsh are abuzz with stories of a school of strange fish, never seen before in these waters, with scales as golden as coins. None have been caught so far, but many fishing boats have been going out for longer hours, in the hopes of being first to catch one of these strange fish.

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The Saltmarsh Register - Vol 1.18 & Vol 1.19

The Saltmarsh Register is the in-game newspaper I invented for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh game I run online every other Saturday. It is reprint...