Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Saltmarsh Register - Vol 1.17

The Saltmarsh Register is the in-game newspaper I invented for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh game I run online every other Saturday. It is reprinted here to give others a taste of how that game has developed. WARNING, it may have spoilers for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure, though I have deviated a bit from the published module.

The Saltmarsh Register

VOL 1.17 – Starday, 1st of Brewfest, 570 CY

Salinmoor’s Finest Catch of Tidbits and Tattle printed weekly each Starday, publisher Tyna Hilltopple 


Dulcinea Gideon and Davus Raal have arranged for Pandelume the Magnificent and his Preposterous Circus to entertain all of Saltmarsh to celebrate Brewfest. Pandelume, an illusionist who claims to be from far off Embelyon, will entertain crowds the evening of Godsday and Freeday and his crew of clowns, funambulists, fire-eaters and jongleurs will provide other shows and wandering entertainment during the festival week.


With a combination of the festivities and several leaky barrels, Hanna Rist, proprietor of the Snapping Line, as admitted to the Saltmarsh Register that her supply of Claw Wine might run out by the end of Patchwall and more of the heady brew, a local delicacy or acquired taste, might not be fermented until well into 571. Hanna was quick to say that there would be plenty for any who desire it as part of Brewfest celebrations.


Tamsyn Muir, brave captain of the Swift Blade, prevented a ship of pirates from launching an assault on Abbey Isle. Though this paper suspects that perhaps the pirates were on a smuggling run to the shady Mariner’s League outpost being established on the isle.


Still no skeletal fish captured, but a great harvest of oysters has been harvested in time to provide plenty for the citizens of Saltmarsh to enjoy during our great Brewfest celebration.

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The Saltmarsh Register - Vol 1.18 & Vol 1.19

The Saltmarsh Register is the in-game newspaper I invented for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh game I run online every other Saturday. It is reprint...