- The crew of the Eryine, an American whaling ship captained by the mad Captain Danby, obsessed with hunting down the legendary Kraken...
- Harpooner - Escaped Slave
- Crewman - Young Sailor with a Secret
- Cabin Boy - Runaway Youth
- Steward - Immigrant, former Italian Nationalist
- Third Mate - Haunted Whaler
- Oarsman - Indebted Yankee Intellectual
- The Crew and passengers of the Dachshund, a British scientific expedition led by Sir Alastair Finch, a noted British biologist studying the elusive giant squid...
- British Lady of Standing - Recent Widow
- British Naturalist - Former Duelist
- Irish Carpenter - Former Criminal
- Army Officer - Veteran of the Russian War
- Hydrographer - Drunken Widower
And lastly, a little visual preview...
This is going to be INSANE! I'm so excited.