Friday, September 28, 2018

Music to Game to: Shirley Collins - Lodestar

I listen to a lot of music (over 40 days worth in 2017 according to and I find that few things help me keep the mood of a game foregrounded in my mind like a good soundtrack. Plus, I’ve discovered that when I’m playing music to a speaker via Bluetooth, I’m less likely to be on my phone, lest my players hear any stray sounds, letting me better model engagement during a game. To that end, I want to share some of my favorite music to game to; the albums that inspire and inflame my imagination and that I’ve found work well as background music for games as well. I’ll do a mini-review and cover the basics of what mood it helps me set.


Famed folk singer and song collector Shirley Collins first full album after 38 years, these songs are given profound and resonant backing by experimental musicians Cyclobe. A collection of traditional songs with one original composition, they draw on the British folk ballad tradition which lend them well to games set in a post-medieval, pre-20th century settings that draw on folklore. Moving seamlessly between dread, levity, sorrow and beauty, the songs provide a rich palate for any game master to draw upon to set the mood.

  • Vocals?...Yes
  • Music Genre(s)… Folk, Traditional
  • Perfect for…Games with a folkloric or archaic feel that still have a vein of darkness running through them. 
  • If you only grab one track, make it... The deceptively dark and rich “Cruel Lincoln”, where the birds sing as the murderer’s deeds and punishment are narrated.

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