Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Saltmarsh Register - Vol 1.2

The Saltmarsh Register is the in-game newspaper I invented for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh game I run online every other Saturday. It is reprinted here to give others a taste of how that game has developed. WARNING, it may have spoilers for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure, though I have deviated a bit from the published module.

The Saltmarsh Register

VOL 1.2 – Starday, 8th of Wealsun, 570 CY

Salinmoor’s Finest Catch of Tidbits and Tattle printed weekly each Starday, publisher Tyna Hilltopple 


Refugees no more, the dozen new citizens of Saltmarsh have reclaimed the once abandoned properties of Crabber’s Cove, which they call Little Orlane. While she still has not yet been able to open the Golden Grain Inn yet, Eglina Beswill says she expects that a second wave of refugees from Orlane will arrive in the next month and hopes to have the Golden Grain Inn completed before their arrival. 


Lankus Kurrid, proprietor of the Wicker Goat, Kreb Shenker, owner of the Empty Net and Hanna Rist, proprietor of the Snapping Line, have jointly petitioned the town council opposing the opening of the Golden Grain Inn at the edge of Crabber’s Cover, or Little Orlane. They claim that three taverns are enough to serve the needs of travelers visiting Saltmarsh and locals seeking relaxation and drink. They note that the recently arrived Orlanians keep to themselves and have not spent coin in Saltmarsh, instead getting supplies from Seaton. Furthermore, Lankus Kurrid gave an additional statement to this publication: “If these Orlanians have nothing to hide and mean well towards Saltmarsh, why do they seem to work most on ‘Little Orlane’ as they call it, during the night?” Eglina Beswill, spokesperson of the Orlanians, blames the tension on the chilly reception her people received from Orlane and points to the recently arrived Royal Tax Assessor as proof that Saltmarsh is growing and can support another inn.


Sir Alegzanter Arglebie, knight of Keoland and friend of King Scotti has arrived to tour Salinmoor. He has arrived in Saltmarsh with Garrett Axehandle, the new Royal Tax Assessor, who is to be posted in the growing port of Saltmarsh. Sir Arglebie, while speaking to the intrepid reporter of the Register, said he found Saltmarsh to be charming and even tried a sip of claw wine, proving himself to be a good sport. He says that after a few days, he will travel on to Seaton and elsewhere in Salinmoor to compile a report on the duchy to provide to King Scotti personally. Assessor Axehandle has settled into his new office in the port and issued a statement with the Town Council that he hopes the citizens of Keoland resident in Saltmarsh will cooperate fully with his authority as a representative of the crown and noted that many of the taxes levied on Saltmarsh will go to expanding the Keoish navy to better fight pirates and other threats in the Azure Sea.


It is said that a merchant vessel the Consuming Fire, captained by a Hadozee named Polth Firebringer, was captured by the dastardly Sea Princes. A few crew escaped in a lifeboat and made their way to Seaton, speaking of Captain Firebringer’s bravery in fighting off the pirates as well as wilder tales of seeing swarms of Sahuagin as they sought safe passage on the sea. Rest assured that the Saltmarsh Register and its intrepid report intend to get to the bottom of the story, even if it means decamping to Seaton for days to bring our loyal readers the truth of this tale.


It is said that the local adventurers of Saltmarsh, who have yet to sit with this fine paper and provide an interview or any information about their motives and plans, have left for the fortified town of Burle, though as mention afore, there is no clue as to their secret, and perhaps even sinister, motivations for doing so.

Meanwhile the Company of the Broken Maul has left on their first expedition to the Dreadwood, swearing on their honor to provide the tale of their adventure exclusively to this publication, which will mean of course, dear reader, that you will also get to share in the tale of their heroic doings.


Fishing remains excellent in the waters around Saltmarsh. 

Ol’ Norbert has been claiming lately that he has seen lizard folk swimming in the waters off Saltmarsh, but his fellow fisherman say the stubborn old man has gotten sunsickness owing to the fact that he lost his favorite hat a week back and refuses to replace it.

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The Saltmarsh Register - Vol 1.18 & Vol 1.19

The Saltmarsh Register is the in-game newspaper I invented for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh game I run online every other Saturday. It is reprint...